CPA Girona champions of Catalonia

CPA Girona Oro Campionat Catalunya Patinaje artístico ISB Sport

CPA Girona champions of Catalonia

The Palau d’Esports de Granollers hosted this past weekend the XXIII Championship of Catalonia of Show Groups and Skating Quartets. This championship represented the kick-off of the skating season in show groups and quartets and was a good opportunity to see a first level figure skating event in Granollers.

In a championship that more than 4,000 people witnessed the show at the Palau d’Esports de Granollers, the skating club ambassador of ISB Sport, the CPA Girona, gave the surprise and recovered the Catalan throne after three years of reign of the CPA Olot (which has been second).

Thanks to the performance “Deixa’m viure” (Let me live) and with the message: “Em veus i em vols eliminar. No oblidis que soc necessari” (You see me and you want to delete me. Don’t forget that I’m a necessario.)

With an impeccable execution, with very difficult figures and elevations, a lot of precision in the movements and a great final figure, the Girona have won the gold with a performance valued at 40’06 points. Ahead of its main rival, CPA Olot, who added 38’23 points and CPA Tona with 32’37.

Benjamí Pons, president of the FCP, participated in the trophy ceremony, together with Eduard Casals, vice president and head of the Catalan Committee of Artistic Skating.

CPA Girona Oro Campionat Catalunya Patinaje artístico ISB Sport

CPA Girona Oro Campionat Catalunya Patinaje artístico ISB Sport